Banana Runtz - Gobshop
Flower, Texas, Craft, Living Soil, Direct Michael Blickstein Flower, Texas, Craft, Living Soil, Direct Michael Blickstein

Banana Runtz - Gobshop

If you’ve been reading for a while, you know that I’ve reviewed a lot of candy, and not a single sample has ever looked or smelled like this. Part of this has to do with the average LCG being grown in massive mega facilities where east nug is handled by nine guys burgers and fries. Most of it has to do with Gobs’ exceptional care for his plants.

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Jelly Mochi- Dungeon Valley Farm
Hash, Rosin, Maine, Craft, Direct, Dungeon Valley Farm Michael Blickstein Hash, Rosin, Maine, Craft, Direct, Dungeon Valley Farm Michael Blickstein

Jelly Mochi- Dungeon Valley Farm

Dungeon Valley and I met online where I recognized the Rainbow House gear he was running, and he especially recommended the Hella Jelly line for the specific selection having a proper fruity floral flavor to them, compared to the pas versions being like of Great Value cough medicine with a tinge of basic gas.

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Grape Soft Serve - Crab Collective
Hash, Rosin, New York, Craft, Direct, Crab Collective Michael Blickstein Hash, Rosin, New York, Craft, Direct, Crab Collective Michael Blickstein

Grape Soft Serve - Crab Collective

If you’ve been reading my hash reviews for a little while, you’ve read that I enjoy crab’s flavors a lot but also really enjoy the Little Lake Valley Seed Co flavors of which I’ve tried a handful in the last year. Out of the bunch, Grape Soft Serve is far and away the most flavorful and in my opinion uniquely flavorful and this is also one of my favorite offerings from Crab as well.

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Dessert Wine - Serp & Terp
Flower, New Jersey, Craft, Preimum, Serp & Terp, Direct Michael Blickstein Flower, New Jersey, Craft, Preimum, Serp & Terp, Direct Michael Blickstein

Dessert Wine - Serp & Terp

Serp has a palate to be reckoned with. In basically every instance I’ve seen him, he’s smoking a hash hole with a cornucopia of high end flavors that layer like Shrek. It was no surprise that one of his own projects would reflect his preferences and standards, but Dessert Wine is truly something else.

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