Jelly Mochi- Dungeon Valley Farm
When I first started growing in my current spot, the first seeds I popped and grew outside within a month of moving there was Rainbow Muffins (Blueberry Muffin x Rainbow Chip) by Rainbow House Seed Co. My first indoor harvest here was Rainbow Mochi (Rainbow Chip x Archive Seeds Dosi/Sherb) and I’ve popped a bunch of their seeds in the intervening time after that. Rainbow House is one of my favorite seed companies, and in my opinion that boils down to their selections. Their Mochi selection of Archive’s Sunset Sherb x Do Si Dos is exceptionally potent and gives their selections a sweet and savory flavor profile that really hits the spot for me. In the past, I’d also mostly avoided their Hella Jelly like because I didn’t enjoy it much the times I’d had it in the past. Dungeon Valley and I met online where I recognized the Rainbow House gear he was running, and he especially recommended the Hella Jelly line for the specific selection having a proper fruity floral flavor to them, compared to the pas versions being like of Great Value cough medicine with a tinge of basic gas. The fruit and the sweetness are the most forward notes on the Jelly Mochi rosin but the floral savory gas definitely lingers. I wouldn’t call this the most flavorful strain for rosin, but the potential in flavor is compensated by crushing, red-eye slump potency. The stimulation is mostly in the head and face with really heavy eye droop, but it’s also not the most sedative or distracting effect I’ve tried. The rosin was washed by Heady Hoarder, who also did the Average Cannabis Guy rosin that I loved last year. The badder itself is quite saucy but also clean on the banger and smooth even at higher temperatures. This is a full spec product that was grown outdoors, so the end result is both an exciting win for sustainable crops, but also not surprising considering my past enjoyment of Heady Hoarder’s work processing outdoor plants. Overall, Dungeoun Valley did a great job with this novel selection. While there’s still some ceiling in the flavor department, every other category exceeds expectations. It’s a huge pleasure smoking sustainable hash from small producers made from dope seeds, and this makes me hyped for Dungeon Valley’s next endeavor in their library.