Banana Runtz - Gobshop
A lot of readers are probably familiar with Gobshop from their line of carts, but over the last year or so Gobs has also been harvesting soil grown craft flower. I previously did a side by side comparison between his Triangle Kush S1 grown in Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Build-a-Soil 3.0. This time he’s shifted fully to the organic soil regimen, and ran some new seeds, one of which being Banana Runtz from Solfire Genetics. If you’ve been reading for a while, you know that I’ve reviewed a lot of candy, and not a single sample has ever looked or smelled like this. Part of this has to do with the average LCG being grown in massive mega facilities where east nug is handled by nine guys burgers and fries. Most of it has to do with Gobs’ exceptional care for his plants. The nose is mostly the candy funk you expect, but there’s a little bit of unripe banana peels on the back end of the nose that compounds for a sharp sweetness. Normally, Banana lineage isn’t my favorite, but in this case it adds some hardiness to the nug structure and takes the edge off the effect. Runtz is normally pure lean and slump I effect, but the hybridization makes the effect more calming and functional with a bit more of a muscle floatiness rather than heaviness. This is still the level of potency I expect from a Runtz hybrid, but I could tell the moment I saw the resin on the nugs that this would be much cleaner and more refined than what I’m used to. Overall, this is a strain for me where normally the bar is on the floor, but Gobs really impressed me with this batch. Preferentially, I find myself reaching for this often from my stashe, but it also checks every box and is textbook gorgeous weed.