Dessert Wine - Serp & Terp

I’ve been seeing Serpent Head Rolling Co. at events in New York for a couple of years now, as well as one in Philly where he was tabling with Pleasant Effects. Serp has a palate to be reckoned with. In basically every instance I’ve seen him, he’s smoking a hash hole with a cornucopia of high end flavors that layer like Shrek. It was no surprise that one of his own projects would reflect his preferences and standards, but Dessert Wine is truly something else. The primary flavors are lemon and melon, but none of the pissy lemon skunk note nor any of the weak honey dew fumes you get from some other melon flavors. The nose reeks and that translates to a super saturated flavor. The structure is also dense and layered like a lot of Sherb line cuts which is where I think the flavor saturation comes from. The effect is also super relaxing and uplifting with no crash or edge. Overall, this is some truly amazing smoke that in my opinion represents the vibe of breaking out a rare vintage and treating yourself to something special. The effects and flavors are enchanting and there’s a lot to enjoy in this package



Sour Melon - Misty’s Melts


Diesel Dynamo - Papermill Cannabis Co