Apehangers OG - Funk House Farm
In the review for the TenCo Headbanger, I mentioned there are similar better offerings on the east coast that are also less expensive. Apehangers OG is Exhbit A. I’ve tried this before once or twice from Funk House, but this newest batch is far and away the best it’s been. If you’re an east coast gas head, this is one strain you must get your hands on. It’s a Karma Genetics hybrid of GG4 x Headbanger OG, and it’s got all the best features from both. It’s sticky, dense, super resinous, has a wild hue and it’s louder that Sturgis. On break and blend, the freshness is noticeable which translates to excellent pungency. The aroma is the sweet fuel we’re used to from Karma breeds, but there’s also a lot of heavier gas and the dark chocolate note we usually associate with Glue. The flavor is a pure palate coater plain and simple. You’d need to wash your mouth out with Dial to get it off the palate. The effect is both medicinal and refreshing; solidly potent but function enhancing. The effect also gives a little bit of headbanding but is overall relaxing without being slumpy at all. Overall, this is probably the best thing I’ve smoked from Funk House Farm to date, and I strongly recommend folks who like gas get on this while it’s so fresh.